Blogs will redirect to country level TLD extension. Usually I read Google webmaster central blog, Google blog, Gmail blog etc to know about latest updates from Google. is automatically redirecting to BlogSpot”. in”. If you live in India it’s redirecting to “.in”. It might redirect to, if you live in UK. Here […]
Author: admin

Hi Friends, Imagine you are surfing the net, updating your blogs, waiting for an online video stream to load and having a chat with your online friends on Facebook. This is already a typical multi-tasking and multi-tabbing scenario done by most of people who really enjoys the benefits of the internet. But imagine doing all […]

When it comes to building an audience and driving traffic, bloggers are turning to social media with record results. Social networks as a way to promote their brands and ultimately get more clicks. Here are 10 tips to help bloggers navigate the increasingly complex world of social media — while still making time to write […]

It is much easier to criticize somebody else’s work than to create something cool yourself. But if you apply a systematic approach to criticizing, make a numbered list and prepare illustrations, it will be regarded as a fully-fledged analysis! In my opinion, icon design is undergoing a transitional period. On the one hand, screen resolutions […]
First, you’ll need to create your new blog header using your favorite image creation software (eg: Paint, CorelDraw, Gimp, Photoshop…). Take a look in your blog template HTML and make a note of the width of your blog header; you’ll probably want your new blog header to be this width too! Don’t worry about the […]

There has been an ugly rumor going around, started by some very large companies in fact, that Google cannot crawl Face book pages. As many of you know, Google has had problems crawling JavaScript and Ajax in the past. There are of course modifications you can make to help get this type of online content […]