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Avoid Bad SEO Practices

  Search engine optimization (SEO), is one of the best ways to bring in more traffic to your blog and  increase the chances of your website or blog to go up higher in search engine ranking and being indexed.

Though there are many good practices for SEO, there are unfortunately equivalent numbers of bad practices in SEO, which are grouped as ‘Black Hat’ practices.Here are the 6 Bad SEO Practices That Can Get You Banned or Penalized by Search Engines

Unrelated keywords:

Google often checks up with the keywords that constitute the website. In short, Google prefers you to develop a niche for your website. This makes Google or any other search engine of that matter to index your website easily and pull it as often and as high as possible. Many of them use the concept of “key word stuffing”, which is the act of including the keywords into the content in smaller fonts or different styles, which works only for a short term after which the site is removed and is abstained from being shortlisted.

Cloaked content:

This is one of the most common and is the best way to get your website from being penalized. The problem here is very simple, you were a cloak to your content, that is decide upon which, content to be viewed by the search engine using SEO techniques, but then when viewed and read fully the entire content is different from what the search engine has looked for. This may work on a short-term basis, but some serious readers may report your website and can get penalized or banned. This technique of SEO is cheating and is called cloaking.


This is a technique of UAW of unwisely using a robot or programs to rewrite the articles for you. In other words, write one article by you, which is followed by reproducing the same article into a number of versions using keywords and programs to do the writing part for you. The chances of getting your website or blog terminated by search engines are very high on adopting this technique.

Duplicate content:

Some of the underhanded companies try to increase the search engine rankings by reproducing the same content on different pages and when this occurs frequently, this is not that difficult for the search engines to find out what and whom are sending such duplicated contents. What they do is they remove the websites having too much of duplicated content from being indexed during keyword searching.

Title Stacking:

This is one of the ways of including a number of false titles on a webpage only with the intention of increasing traffic to your website. Once again, this strategy will work only on a short-term basis, and serious readers may report about your website to the search engines that you will be easily penalized or terminated.

Bad Neighborhoods:

This is the problem of cross-linking that can do harm to your websites. This refers to the constant linking to other website articles from websites that do not have a reputation, then the chances that your website will be penalized.


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