As a part of fun and entertainment, Zuan Tech Team has organized the daily activity programs to our beloved employees.
We usually provide lots of games, fun activities and ideas for the employee’s motivation, ice-breakers, fun and learning. We brought up this idea in order to provide enjoyment and relaxation in the workplace.
On behalf of the fun activity, a picture will be placed daily on the notice board and all the staff members will be invited to comment on it. At the end of the day, the board will be filled with different kinds of comments that provide a mix of learning and fun, as our Zuan team employees are always masterminded by nature! 🙂 😛
We also arrange seminars and meeting regularly for inspiring the employees to enhance their skills and personal development. Alternatively we enjoy and part every birthday celebration of the employees with cake cutting and arrange events for mass celebration during all festivals.
Join us with our team to enjoy the incredible and happiest moments!
Do share your comments on the image below and let us know what do you feel when you see this pic!